#9 guest: Jeff G – recorded 3/22/2013

Horror movies (The ExorcistFaces of Death, Evil Dead, Army Of Darkness) & the supernatural, mass texting, baseball and fantasy baseball, Star Trek vs Easter, tight rolling jeans, Piper’s Pit, Dorf on Fishing, Christian Ruttuu, Grateful Dead, NWA, Ice T or Ice Cube, A bloody, bad-ass picture of Jimmy Valiant, Sons of Anarchy,  pro wrestling and a shit-load of other shit.

#8 guest: T-Dog – recorded 3/22/2013

Hey everyone! Here are the links I promised.  Rebecca Sealfon: the 1997 Spelling Bee winnerPete’s Life Tips links!!! Watch this video on How to keep your disposable razor sharp. And pick you up some Fresh Balls to keep swamp-ass away! It works like a mo-fo. And now, click the player below and welcome our newest guest to the podcast…ladies and gentlemen…please welcome: T-DOG!!!  [audio http://archive.org/download/Final_20130329/final.mp3]

#7 guest: Jeff G – recorded 3/11/2013 2.0

Today’s topics include (but not limited to) why you should be embarrassed about owning a smart phone (check out this short, inspiring article by  Jessica Levco, who is not afraid to be smart-phone-free), Samantha Fox, Mr. Roboto, why bullying is necessary, Paul Bearer, Brother Love, Piper’s Pit, Cyndi Lauper, John Stamos, buzzwords are douchey, Mama’s Family, Jefferson Starship, Star Wars Holiday Special, Rocky, Sylvester Stallone, top movie picks, bad Indiana jokes, Jesus music, Reverend Al Green, The Cold War, Russia, sweatshops are not evil, the awesomeness that is Fox News, ice beers, Zima, pina coladas,  Girls Gone Wild and synergy!

#6 pt 4 of 4 guest: Jeff G – recorded 2/22/2013

Funny stuff today. We definitely talk about wrestling. We play “what is your favorite LL Cool J movie?” Jeff and I do a couple of impersonations. Also on the agenda: piece-of-crap roommates,  Randy Newman, Buster Poindexter, a show called ‘Gimmie a Break and what happens when mp3s become obsolete? Also, gay before we knew what gay was: Memphis tag-team “The Fabulous Ones” make the gayest video ever set to ‘Drop the Bomb’ by The Gap Band. This is the link to the Louis CK bit about the word “faggot.” We reference this unbelievable win by fan-favorite jobbers The Mulkey Bros” over the infamous tag-team “The Gladiators (I think I call them “The Executioners” on the podcast). And here is the YouTube link to the funny documentary Andy Kaufman: I’m From Hollywood.

#6 pt 3 of 4 guest: Jeff G – recorded 2/22/2013

Today I have fun with sound effects. Topics include: The Final Countdown, The Allman Bros, Jesus, Boomland (I get it wrong by calling it “Boomtown”), fingerblasting, an awesome Pepsi commercial starring Alfonso Ribeiro, the Superfriends, The Wonder Twins (watch this parody of the Wonder Twins), Jason Bateman and It’s Your Move, 2 Broke Girls, I Love the 80’s on VH1, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron prooving God exists by using a banana, Ray Comfort being a jerk, a typical Australian named Jacko, The Boogie Woogie Man: Jimmy Valiant, Hulk Hogan rapping, and much more…

#6 pt 2 of 4 guest: Jeff G – recorded 2/22/2013

Part 2 of the megacast. Today Jeff and I discuss 80’s TV shows like Small Wonder & Thundar the Barbarian. Also hackers of the EBS, The Walking Dead, Randy Savage, concert lighter app for iPhone, the Zombie Apocalypse, Weird Sciencewhat pro-wrestling has taught us about other countries, Rowdy Roddy Piper’s hilarious racist ways, The Fall Guy’s forgotten intro, and those stupid Pizza Hut sliders. Boobs.